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Useful information for users of Life Expert and Life Expert Profi Bioresonance scanning devices.

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Getting Started with Life Expert

Using Life Expert devices

Getting Started with Life Expert

Life ExpertandLife Expert ProfiWe have prepared step-by-step instructions for those who have just bought their device and have doubts about how to use it.

Difference between Life Expert and Life Expert Profi modes

Life ExpertandLife Expert ProfiLet's analyze the differences between devices and modes.

Performing a test

Life ExpertandLife Expert ProfiFor those who want to know how to properly perform a test using their device, we have prepared a special article with step-by-step instructions and a video guide.

How to read test results correctly?

Life ExpertandLife Expert ProfiIn the article "Bioresonance test data analysis" we examine how to read and analyze the results of the test with  .

Why are test results obtained within an hour different from each other?

To better understand the operation of the devices, let's draw an analogy with a tonometer.  When we measure the pressure at rest, it shows 12080 mm Hg.  And when we measure the pressure higher after a run, It will.  However, this does not mean that this person is sick from something.  Even when a person's temperature is measured at 36.6 °C _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 It doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy.


Detection of high blood pressure with a tonometer does not give us the right to make a diagnosis.  We can only make assumptions about why it is elevated.  This disorder can have many causes. The rapid test on the electroskin resistance of biologically active points is 47 tonometers, each measuring its own organ.

At the same time, during the day, when conditions change, the picture may change. Likewise, the indicators change when the body's working conditions change during a BRT scan.  This confirms that the technique works.  Indicators can fluctuate throughout the day, which is considered normal

Compilation of therapeutic complexes based on test results

How to create an individual complex (Automatic Complex) based on the test results and download it to the Life Balance device, we tell in the article "How to compile and download an automatic complex".

Subscription for Life Expert series devices

When using Life Expert series devices, you pay additionally for each test and compilation of automated complexes in WebWellness software. You can find more information about the cost of the WebWellness program, subscription and payment options on the "WebWellness Subscription" page.

Using Life Expert devices

How to connect the electrodes correctly and what to do in case of an error?

How to turn on the device correctly, connect the electrodes (components) and conduct a quick test, we describe in the article "Performing the test".

body mass index test

Based on the test results, the WebWellness system generates a detailed report of how your weight is affecting your organs and systems. Read about this feature in the article "Body Mass Index"

Life Expert ile Çalışmaya Başlama
Life Expert ve Life Expert Profi modları arasındaki fark
Test gerçekleştirme
Test sonuçları nasıl doğru okunur?
Bir saat içinde alınan test sonuçları neden birbirinden farklıdır?
Test sonuçlarına dayalı terapötik komplekslerin derlenmesi
Life Expert serisi cihazlar için abonelik
Elektrotlar doğru şekilde nasıl bağlanır ve bir hata durumunda ne yapmalı?
Vücut kitle indeksi testi
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