The Medicine of the Future
Using vibration as a healing practice has been around for centuries. Techniques include sound and color therapy, nature therapy, magnet therapy, homeopathy, and even acupuncture. All are based on belief in a basic life force. They are often grouped in the energy medicine category. Frequency Healing, a technology, is gaining acceptance today after being an underground treatment for the past 100 years. The current paradigm shift and advances in technology offer the opportunity to develop this method to create an important drug for the future.
According to the idea of quantum mechanics (Debrogli Nobel Prize 1929), matter is made up of tiny particles. Another little-known discovery is that cells communicate with each other at frequencies of certain wavelengths. If there are no disturbing frequencies in this communication, the cells work perfectly and the person is considered healthy. However, the disturbing vibrations of a toxin entering the body can disrupt this perfect communication between cells. Likewise, different frequencies emitted by other harmful factors (amalgam, dust, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc. frequencies) that cause diseases can disrupt the normal frequency order of the body.
The bioresonance therapy method (also known as biofrequency or meridian therapy), which is widely applied in more than 18,000 centers in 96 countries around the world, but has a newer history in our country, is based on frequency samples in the body and vibration samples belonging to the body. It is a painless and drug-free, biological method experienced over 36 years with no side effects. With bioresonance therapies, the main harmful frequencies that cause discomfort are detected, and positive results can be obtained by eliminating these frequencies.
From the past to the present, many scientists have worked on energy and frequency.
Nikola Tesla “If you want to unravel the secrets of the universe, you have to think about energy, frequency and vibration.” He directed the attention of scientists to research on these issues. The first person to use high frequency currents for medical purposes in 1891 was Nikola Tesla, a physicist and electrical engineer who is widely accepted as a genius. In addition, frequency and treatment methods are mentioned in the book Pioneer of New Medicine, one of the medical books written by Nikola Tesla.
In the 18th century, important results were achieved with research on biological frequency.
Dr. Royal Rife (1920) developed the 'frequency generator' and succeeded in destroying some cancer cells and viruses with different frequencies. In fact, Rife was the first to discover a virus he called the cancer virus. The frequency generator was developed by the German Franz Morell and Erich Rasche in 1977 and bioresonance device production was started.
What is bioresonance?
Bioresonance therapy method, which is successfully applied in the world but little known in our country, is based on frequency samples in the body (vibration sample of the body). The Webwellness Life Expert Profi device detects, changes and modifies the vibration pattern of the disease-causing agent, which disrupts the frequency pattern through the electrodes in contact with the body. returns it to the body. Therefore, a regular exchange of information between cells is ensured again. Using Russian bioresonance technology, energetic imbalances in the body are identified and corrected, and the body's self-healing powers are reactivated.
Interest in bioresonance technology in Turkey has increased rapidly in the last 9 years (source: Google Trends).
Our short film below on what bioresonance is and how it works also sums it up: